Truthful Planet is an ambitious and humbling Project at once dedicated to jump-starting a trend focusing on the awareness that Humanity and Nature must be protected by seeking the termination of the competition model. We do not expect our stance to be endorsed worldwide, as the transition is anticipated to be long and gradual, but we hope to be part of a growing trend. However, local currencies and a competition-free framework will likely cohabit for a while. Our vision is to give birth to a Benevolent Society that will regard Life as priceless and determine the necessary level of human collaboration to address basic needs without coercive means. There is no blueprint yet to achieve this project, which would take at least another 10 years to come to fruition. But now, synchronicity is worth noticing that many pieces of the puzzle begin slowly falling into place and pave the way for a shift to occur. The endeavor will take off when the time is right.

Greed is a mere symptom that many see as an easy culprit, while the core issue is profiting from the Earth, giving away unconditionally and free of charge. Nature does not work for herself. When such an immutable nurturing principle is regarded and treated as a market share, exploitation becomes inevitable. Eventually, it turns into pillage, causing environmental destruction and human suffering to increase exponentially. All distorted consensus was borrowed from Darwinism must be let go of. Monetized meritocracy is leading us astray. We need to look at the competition model differently. Truthful Planet intends to reach out to people who have begun to seek answers or realize the impasse we face - or who are already in the know.

Although data ought to be shared to make sense of what is happening to our planet, pointing out systemic collusion and corruption have had little to no effect because Earth's Natural Order only recognizes and favors personal responsibility. Only direct action and resilience will ensure success! More importantly, Truthful Planet regards knowledge as a tool for boundless discoveries to resolve arising dilemmas and threats generated by the technocratic age. Considering that the meaning of currencies is about to shift very disturbingly, it is becoming increasingly vital to understand that humans have become the goods and the data. Nothing is free as long as competition rules. Data will eventually replace currencies. Social credits will likely define our dataworthiness. Although it is challenging to speculate on what might (not) happen beyond 2030, Voluntaryists should establish strong communities and develop urban gardens or food forests if they cannot afford to live off the grid. Food security should matter to us all.

Knowledge ever progresses inexorably and the mind has to adapt to the challenges ahead. Although our stance refutes Transhumanism and General Intelligence, Narrow AI is as inevitable as a competition-free society because automation and 'smart anything' is already and gradually taking over jobs, not to mention that society will become cashless. Cashless is not the same as competition-free, but with money being removed from circulation, we optimistically assume that many more people will find a benevolent model compelling.

As long as financial consensuses (or social credit) continue to be regarded as dogmas, Voluntaryism will remain a word making some dream of Utopia for many. It's the only obstacle standing in the way. Voluntaryism does not necessarily equate to Anarchism because the latter still may endorse Capitalism. Voluntaryists beg to differ as they deem competition as extremely coercive and the prime cause of social inequality. If some humans are worth more than others, issues are not fixable. In 2024, the World Bank contended that 44% of the planet lives on six dollars per day. In America, close to 60% of people live paycheck to paycheck. Such massive failures indicate that the flaws are embedded in the premise itself. Today, societal levels of coercion are pretty astounding, but most don't perceive it that way as they're unfortunately conditioned by it.

In 2025, people seem to have begun to awaken to the striking inequalities in many countries but still expect *financial watchdogs* to impose higher taxes on the top 10 percent. That solution will not sail far because if you look closer, it incentivizes those having more to seek more loopholes and increase their collusion to influence the political arena. It is also frustrating to see that so many are in favor of social programs when poverty and hunger are still systemic. Very few realize that more economic equilibrium means less profit available because that would mean that exploitation is eradicated. Huge profits are only possible when consensuses drive avid consumption, but the price tag is that a majority cannot make ends meet, and economic misery spreads at the bottom of the food chain. For the so-called affluent and decadent West, competition can only lead to a highly hazardous escalation between sociall polarities.. It is not more protection that the public needs because man-made laws tend to be biased (which is why they are readjusted constantly, and still are inefficient) but a better grasp of the causes vs. consequences as defined by the Natural Order embedded in the fabric of the planet, which is an 'intelligent entity'. Despite their higher level of consciousness, humans are nonetheless absolute apex predators, and the Natural Order won't allow them to survive large-scale conflicts using autonomous weapons. The Cosmic Principle of Rhythm says that when we fail to learn a lesson, the pendulum swings harder and exponentially until we get it promptly or will be due for a significant reset.

In a Benevolent Society, classifications might still exist, but they are never presented as competitive or coercive by any stretch. Most likely, people would spontaneously regroup by intellectual or spiritual affinities, but that wouldn't have any social consequences as a vast majority would agree on the premise that coercion and disrespect for Life invite chaos. A Benevolent Society will never be perfect, but so much better than what we have now. According to our research, we foresee decreasing social conflicts by at least 75 percent, as survival will no longer hinder freedom and promote happiness. In this sense, voluntaryism is a philosophical axiom. Truthful Planet advocates for guidelines to help make sense of the world's confusion. Scientific and clinical research must progress according to specific natural principles to avoid polarized conflicts of interest and enhance holistic thinking as much as possible. Our mission does not align with any 'Earth Day' followers, though it has its metaphilosophical Russellian roots. Walter Russell's most important works are, without a doubt, 'The Universal One', 'Atomic Suicide', and 'The Secret of Light.' As Nikola Tesla's contemporary, he too developed the concept of free energy theoretically.

They're forces simultaneously at play that humans cannot alter; therefore, they are described as immutable. There are Seven of them (often referred to as the millennia-old foundation of Hermeticism), which are today entirely corroborated by science as they define the forces at play emanating from Electricity. This is how we interpret these ancient writings, as light has dual properties. These principles also reveal 'Thought' as a mechanism depending on electric properties because information circulates between the brain synapses electrically. All this has been established by science. We align with other thinkers who ascertain the link between the Brain and the Universe. This is the bridge between science and spirituality. Metaphysical because light just is. And what does all this entail for us humans? Since Light is the conduit of Consciousness, we have to rightfully trust that following its laws leads to Enlightenment. This aspect will be expounded on in our ebook. That being said, the Electric Universe Theory is silently reshuffling Physics in a significant way and is heavily documented on the Internet. The ebook The Secret Of Light by Walter Russel is available on this site in PDF format.

The word 'metaphilosophy' is preferred' to distance ourselves from mainstream academia, which hasn't done anything to prevent our unprecedented world crisis. Well, the field must be entirely reassessed, and Academia in its current state may not survive the paradigm shift. Very few outspoken thinkers tackle the core issue, but they remain a minority. However, 'metaphilosophy' merely means beyond philosophy, the philosophy of philosophy. As we can see today, the realistic assessment that any train of thought not condoning 'Life First, it's Wholeness and Oneness!' is entirely validated by daily planetary aggression on a physical and psychic level.

We live in a world where everything works in reverse because existential values have monetized conflicts of interest to no end. Since values are inverted, finding ourselves back on the right path requires first a burning desire to see this earthly onslaught come to an end. It is only when our understanding of the crisis deals with the 'greater picture' that Holistic Thinking will come to the rescue. The 'ace in the hole' is that 'knowing' binds all the principles for the greater of all good and will considerably smooth out any turbulence inherent to the transition.

The argument in favor of a Voluntary society doesn't require any PhD, far from the contrary, but access to vital information that gives a full scope of the damage investigated and the ensuing conclusion that responsibility is now each individual's. Our inner balance is now our only safety belt. Embracing the premise of 'Degrowth' during the transition has nothing to do with 'beliefs,'. Without endorsing to degrow consumerism steadily to purge all excesses, we'd find ourselves plunged into mahem. Emotional Intelligence and wisdom are powerful qualities that should allow us to reverse the aftermath of the current model disintegrating. The era of logic and rational thinking that have prevailed for so long is coming to an end.


  • The concept of earning a living, and by extension, salaries, has created countless distorted perceptions and intellectual polarities exploited by ruling ideologies and societal consensuses. The reality is that as long as some people are worth more, we cannot even begin to remedy the same class struggles that have marked our civilization for eons. Society is engaged in an irresolvable conundrum while proclaiming that the war on poverty is key to democracy. The notion of income is also meant to compartmentalize society and is generally taken for granted. There is no rosy fairytale out there since a for-profit system demands to keep avid consumerism afloat. Profit comes before life. Compassion and democratic values are in exile for good. No matter which angle is chosen to glance at the picture, nothing appears like it seems and ultimately traps the human psyche into logical fallacies. Freedom sold as a concept that is readily accessible if one works hard enough is a dogmatic belief. Thiis is untrue because of the cycles of economic recession turning success into bitterness. In America, 7 out of 10 businesses permanently close with 10 years due to harsh competition. Dogmatic beliefs as a whole, are precisely why most will rather elude anybody disagreeing with conventional education and offering an alternative. These beliefs cannot be challenged. Then come wave of regrets when realizing decades later that we don’t take anything to the grave. It is a sad state of affairs as most spend 40 or 50 years sacrificing themselves to dogmatic illusions. Society must be reinvented from scrated.

    In a capitalist model, few question social stratification, which is at the core of inequality. Pointing this out is systematically associated with Marxism. The topic is dreaded. Citing very blatant economic flaws, such as the causes of inflation, is not a captivating storyline in conversations because people get quickly uncomfortable when sensing they may have been misguided. Let alone initiating a talk about frantic materialitsic pursuits and their impact on the psyche. It is never welcome unless it’s about personal ambition. Socializing comes with the duty to remain optimistic about our financial future and to project a successful image. Society worships superficiality and fakeness as we must mirror the system selling fairytales. Conversations can become even trickier when addressing people with higher education because the dogma is that college degrees offer better intellectual skills to define existential parameters. The overall response, however, indicates that people will defend the system that feeds them because the need for survival encompasses almost everything. The economy is a Religion, and money is its Sacrament. The consensus has instilled the notion that capitalism is the only superior ideology.

    Ultimately, the Natural Order identifies us as the most evolved apex predators, and wants us to share, cooperate, and co-create. Luckily, animal competition does not apply to us otherwise, we'd be helpless. However, it is worth noticing that the animal world cooperates much more than we assume because Nature does not work for herself. A river does not flow for itself. Nothing works for itself. This idea that humans are animals is also a dogmatic cliche that must be debunked. The 'theory of the fittest' is appalling when looking at our impact on nature over the last century alone. There is nothing to brag about. We are on the brink of committing suicide.

    As much as many regard money as a tool, the same holds about economic competition, to which novelties are attributed. Here again, more falsehoods must be left behind. Competition is an anti-human value because its hidden goal is eliminating all competition. It also only benefits those who have the advantage from the start. The average individual is left battling an unfair environment and windmills. The consequence is that society is cognitively impacted.

    The poor look at the middle class like the middle class looks at the affluent and influential. The profit mindset will always lead to the same problems (some faster than others, regardless of what we call that system). This nefarious philosophy leads inexorably to a system that must create consumers/demand to stay afloat. To pay our bills, we must overconsume. After WW2, influencers such as Gustave LeBon, Victor Lebrow, and Edward Bernays, experts in the human psyche's inner workings, fascinated corporations and helped exploit the materialist paradigm. From that moment on, the accelerated pace of natural resources' extraction fueled by advanced tech, market obsolecence and the invention of credit cards showed no sign of slowing down. Our ecocides are no surprise.

    Earth and her inhabitants are on the brink and fast approaching a tipping point. This time around though, the question isn't about hoping to muddle through but dare confront the legacy of our materialistic escalation throughout the centuries. The evidence is overwhelming. All civilizations have revered their currencies as a "diety" ruling over life and death. The consequence has been disastrous as people identify themselves with their possessions and ambitions, while getting further disconnected from their fellow humans and Nature. The quest for security cannot be satiated and comes with Karma. The only way to feel more secure is to care about the aggregate because we all are interdependent.

    It has to be grasped that just any monetary system will prompt anybody within a pyramid of consumption, to look for a 'so-called' good deal, either to save to make ends meet or just for the sake of hoarding. The unsettling conclusion is similar: selfishness continues to triumph and prey inexorably. Humans are not animals because they can conceive the Universe and the purpose of the Act of Creation if they really want to. It is a choice that animals will never have. Human competition has Darwinian roots, and the time has come to distance ourselves from this harmful pseudo-theory. First, society's programming must be assessed to determine what authentic 'human nature' entails. Imagining a world populated with Earth Custodians is realistic. What is unrealistic is to watch suffering and violence on TV while feeling trapped and depressed. Waking up every day feeling stressed out or hopeless to no end, allowing the survival mode to shatter our passions and dreams. There lies the causality fueling more fears about the future and condoning materialism as a nonsensical escape.

    The purpose of our ebook 'Money And The Natural Order' is inteded to not only help shed light on this complex state of affares but free the minds because only free minds will be capable of engineering the Pardigm Shift when the time is right.